The AGO is the national professional association serving the organ music field. Membership is open to all and includes working professionals‚ organists, choir directors, music teachers‚ as well as students, clergy and dedicated supporters. No examination is required for membership. Founded in 1896 in New York City, the AGO serves over 20,000 members and 330 chapters throughout the United States, Europe, Asia and Australia. The Guild works towards the promotion of the organ in its historic and evolving roles, to encourage excellence in the performance of organ and choral music, and to provide a forum for mutual support, inspiration, education and certification of members.
The Greater Huntsville Chapter, founded in 1963, is this region’s only organization dedicated exclusively to the promotion of organ and choral music. Membership is open to all interested persons. If you are interested in joining the Guild, or have questions about our organization, contact us at [email protected].